Hi There ! Let me introduce myself, tell you about me and a little bit about my businesses. I am Mary Pontari, the owner of two sole-proprietary businesses - 'Wrapping Convenience' and 'Wreaths And More For You'. These are two local businesses located in Ballston Lake, NY. It is located in Saratoga County, just 30 minutes north of Albany, the NYS capital. Just off of Exit 11 heading west from I-87 (Northway). It just made sense to combine the two as I can wrap most of my smaller items I sell on Etsy. You may contact me at 518-366-7900 (or) [email protected].
So glad you found my website. Here are my businesses websites:
Now about me - Hmm - let me see. I am a very caring and loving individual. Just ask my family and friends. I love to dance, walk, host parties and travel. My favorite color is purple, can't you tell? Smile.
I retired in 2019 and finally have the time to start a business. Do you know what I love doing? I'll tell you. Helping out people. I also love to wrap, put together crafts, design and create, making wreaths, flower arrangements, swags, door hangers, bows and teach so I combined these things.
Now are you one of those people, like me, who try to do it all? In the past, I juggled work, over time hours, traveling for work, college, a husband and child, did ten years of being a part-time licensed daycare provider while working, church/teaching children's faith formation, Zumba, walking on the treadmill, two volunteer jobs, housework, visiting the elderly and the list just went on and on. If you also have a lot on your plate and are just so stressed out, I can at least help with wrapping your presents. I now have free time without working, college, and my volunteer work being on hiatus.
One word to describe me would be ‘volunteer’. I volunteer my time to help others. Let me tell you about my two volunteer endeavors.
Since 2007, I have belonged to the Harriet Comfort Mental Health Players, an acting troupe that goes mainly into addiction centers but also includes non-for-profit, state agencies, and other organizations. We role play out scenarios without the audience knowing its role playing. We then have a dialogue with the audience as they try to help us solve the problem/issue presented. This delivery method helps the participants discuss, problem solve and see the different options they have moving forward with similar issues they may face. Years ago, I also became one of three co-directors for our organization, as well as a facilitator for the programs we attend. I train new players, enrollment, marketing, advertising, etc. I pretty much run this program (smile).
From 1987 to 2020 (33 years), I had been a catechist, teaching the Catholic faith to children. And then Covid hit and our Church closed along with the faith formation classes. For most of those years I have been blessed with the third and fourth grade class. I absolutely loved this age group. I carefully plan out the curriculum, adding a craft and short fun activities to encourage the learning process. I also taught children from age 3 and up for our Children’s Liturgy of the Word during mass. Note: Even though our Church and faith formation classes resumed, I decided because of my underlying health conditions and the risk of Covid, it would be best if I step down after 33 years of volunteer teaching. This has been a very heart wrenching decision. I am now focusing my time on another business called 'Wreaths and More For You'. Please check out my 'Wreaths And More' tab in this website.
These two volunteer jobs above are dear to my heart. And that is why ten percent of my profits will be given to Joseph’s House and Shelter in Troy, NY. The homeless shelter takes in families of all ages.
Why did I choose this homeless shelter?
In my role of being a catechist I delivered a gospel message to my third and fourth grade class in 2012 that said, "Jesus called the Twelve and said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all. Mark 9:35." Here I was asking my class to perform duties and services for another but not giving them an opportunity. So, I asked my faith formation coordinator if my class could collect hats, coats, and mittens to deliver to the children in the shelter. I was given her support and the whole parish participated, contributing, and expanding on our list of items. Now the connection for my class was not only collecting and bagging the items, but it was also delivering the warm items, going on a tour of the shelter and asking their inquisitive questions. They got to meet other children in the shelter and learned how they ended up there. Hence the lasting impact from the lesson I taught.
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic we had, the shelter was expecting an increase in homelessness and people turning to the shelter for help. So by you having your presents wrapped by me or purchasing a wreath or other home decor item, you are also helping out the families at Joseph’s House and Shelter. Let's keep working together to continue the giving to serve others.
Now I need to disclose I am not a professional wrapper. Nope – no official training here. However, I did watch many hours of tutorials on wrapping, folding, creasing, and making homemade bows. I think I do a pretty good job. Just look at my work under 'Photo Gallery'. If you wish, I will even add an embellishment to complete a beautifully wrapped gift for someone special.
I give you my personal commitment of my time and effort on each gift. I am detailed-oriented, and I wrap each as if it were my own to give to someone.
Oh and I don’t just wrap Christmas presents. Oh no no, there’s always birthdays, all the holidays, weddings, baby/wedding showers, graduations, retirements, the list just goes on and on. Pictures of some of these examples can also be found on my website under the 'Photo Gallery' sub tabs.
Information about the service process is indicated under the 'Services' tab but I wanted to at least let you know here that you may customize each of your gifts if you wish. You may pick out the wrapping paper, ribbon, bows and embellishments or if you just want to hand me a bag of items and let me do what I do best, you can do that as well.
The last pick-up date is one week prior to Christmas Eve. I recommend you schedule early as scheduling stops as soon as all slots are filled. First come, first serve.
I highly recommend you read the information under the 'Services' tab to obtain the whole process experience, including how I deal with expensive items and Covid-19 regulations. The 'Rates' tab will give you an idea of what I charge.
Look for other photos/videos also posted on the websites indicated above.
You may also call me direct at 518-366-7900 to ask questions or schedule a drop off time.
In closing, again, I give you my personal commitment to the attention and detail on each gift. I will strive to design a beautiful presentation you can give to the person you cherish or the event you attend. By the way, don't forget I can use the basic wrap for your children's Christmas/birthday presents that they tear open. Smile. I provide you with this wrapping convenience as you juggle the numerous tasks on your to do list. I hope you let me help you because you know how much I LOVE helping out people.
Much happiness and always happy holidays,
So glad you found my website. Here are my businesses websites:
- For Wrapping Convenience: https://www.wrappingconvenience.com
- For Wreaths And More For You: https://www.wrappingconvenience.com/wreaths-and-more.html
- For my Wreaths And More For You Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/WreathsAndMoreForYou
- You may also find me informally on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mary.pontari (or) https://www.facebook.com/WreathsAndMoreForYou
- As well as Instagram by searching 'wrappingconvenience' or 'wreathsandmoreforyou'
Now about me - Hmm - let me see. I am a very caring and loving individual. Just ask my family and friends. I love to dance, walk, host parties and travel. My favorite color is purple, can't you tell? Smile.
I retired in 2019 and finally have the time to start a business. Do you know what I love doing? I'll tell you. Helping out people. I also love to wrap, put together crafts, design and create, making wreaths, flower arrangements, swags, door hangers, bows and teach so I combined these things.
Now are you one of those people, like me, who try to do it all? In the past, I juggled work, over time hours, traveling for work, college, a husband and child, did ten years of being a part-time licensed daycare provider while working, church/teaching children's faith formation, Zumba, walking on the treadmill, two volunteer jobs, housework, visiting the elderly and the list just went on and on. If you also have a lot on your plate and are just so stressed out, I can at least help with wrapping your presents. I now have free time without working, college, and my volunteer work being on hiatus.
One word to describe me would be ‘volunteer’. I volunteer my time to help others. Let me tell you about my two volunteer endeavors.
Since 2007, I have belonged to the Harriet Comfort Mental Health Players, an acting troupe that goes mainly into addiction centers but also includes non-for-profit, state agencies, and other organizations. We role play out scenarios without the audience knowing its role playing. We then have a dialogue with the audience as they try to help us solve the problem/issue presented. This delivery method helps the participants discuss, problem solve and see the different options they have moving forward with similar issues they may face. Years ago, I also became one of three co-directors for our organization, as well as a facilitator for the programs we attend. I train new players, enrollment, marketing, advertising, etc. I pretty much run this program (smile).
From 1987 to 2020 (33 years), I had been a catechist, teaching the Catholic faith to children. And then Covid hit and our Church closed along with the faith formation classes. For most of those years I have been blessed with the third and fourth grade class. I absolutely loved this age group. I carefully plan out the curriculum, adding a craft and short fun activities to encourage the learning process. I also taught children from age 3 and up for our Children’s Liturgy of the Word during mass. Note: Even though our Church and faith formation classes resumed, I decided because of my underlying health conditions and the risk of Covid, it would be best if I step down after 33 years of volunteer teaching. This has been a very heart wrenching decision. I am now focusing my time on another business called 'Wreaths and More For You'. Please check out my 'Wreaths And More' tab in this website.
These two volunteer jobs above are dear to my heart. And that is why ten percent of my profits will be given to Joseph’s House and Shelter in Troy, NY. The homeless shelter takes in families of all ages.
Why did I choose this homeless shelter?
In my role of being a catechist I delivered a gospel message to my third and fourth grade class in 2012 that said, "Jesus called the Twelve and said, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all. Mark 9:35." Here I was asking my class to perform duties and services for another but not giving them an opportunity. So, I asked my faith formation coordinator if my class could collect hats, coats, and mittens to deliver to the children in the shelter. I was given her support and the whole parish participated, contributing, and expanding on our list of items. Now the connection for my class was not only collecting and bagging the items, but it was also delivering the warm items, going on a tour of the shelter and asking their inquisitive questions. They got to meet other children in the shelter and learned how they ended up there. Hence the lasting impact from the lesson I taught.
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic we had, the shelter was expecting an increase in homelessness and people turning to the shelter for help. So by you having your presents wrapped by me or purchasing a wreath or other home decor item, you are also helping out the families at Joseph’s House and Shelter. Let's keep working together to continue the giving to serve others.
Now I need to disclose I am not a professional wrapper. Nope – no official training here. However, I did watch many hours of tutorials on wrapping, folding, creasing, and making homemade bows. I think I do a pretty good job. Just look at my work under 'Photo Gallery'. If you wish, I will even add an embellishment to complete a beautifully wrapped gift for someone special.
I give you my personal commitment of my time and effort on each gift. I am detailed-oriented, and I wrap each as if it were my own to give to someone.
Oh and I don’t just wrap Christmas presents. Oh no no, there’s always birthdays, all the holidays, weddings, baby/wedding showers, graduations, retirements, the list just goes on and on. Pictures of some of these examples can also be found on my website under the 'Photo Gallery' sub tabs.
Information about the service process is indicated under the 'Services' tab but I wanted to at least let you know here that you may customize each of your gifts if you wish. You may pick out the wrapping paper, ribbon, bows and embellishments or if you just want to hand me a bag of items and let me do what I do best, you can do that as well.
The last pick-up date is one week prior to Christmas Eve. I recommend you schedule early as scheduling stops as soon as all slots are filled. First come, first serve.
I highly recommend you read the information under the 'Services' tab to obtain the whole process experience, including how I deal with expensive items and Covid-19 regulations. The 'Rates' tab will give you an idea of what I charge.
Look for other photos/videos also posted on the websites indicated above.
You may also call me direct at 518-366-7900 to ask questions or schedule a drop off time.
In closing, again, I give you my personal commitment to the attention and detail on each gift. I will strive to design a beautiful presentation you can give to the person you cherish or the event you attend. By the way, don't forget I can use the basic wrap for your children's Christmas/birthday presents that they tear open. Smile. I provide you with this wrapping convenience as you juggle the numerous tasks on your to do list. I hope you let me help you because you know how much I LOVE helping out people.
Much happiness and always happy holidays,
Call me direct at 518-366-7900 to ask questions or schedule a drop off time.
See my full contact information under the 'Contact' tab.
Check out my introduction video below. It pretty much says what I just wrote. However you'll actually see some of my wrapping creations (or) just go to my 'Photo Gallery' tab indicated above on the top bar.
See my full contact information under the 'Contact' tab.
Check out my introduction video below. It pretty much says what I just wrote. However you'll actually see some of my wrapping creations (or) just go to my 'Photo Gallery' tab indicated above on the top bar.